I'm really keen to get sewing. I went to a fabric shop and asked for the easiest A Line skirt pattern thay had. The packet said 'Make it in one hour.' Brought it home...called Mum for advice on the terminology...found I didn't have enough fabric...took about an hour to pin on the pattern (making alterations to the size)...got out sewing machine...machine wouldn't work...took machine to be repaired...collected machine two weeks later...started sewing skirt...couldn't work out the waist band...waited for mum to visit..."How come the zip is way down there?" says Mum..."Why is the waistband that long?" says Mum...she showed me how to sew the waistband...two weeks later and I still haven't...
I decided to enrol in a sewing class, only now it looks like there's not enough people interested for the class to run. Grrrrr.
Oh well, just have to keep searching Trademe for some fabric in the meantime.
Here's some pattern ideas waiting to be made