
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Colour Advice Please

There's been some more progress on the girl's playhouse. We are nearly up to the painting stage but can't decide what colour to paint it. We are into more natural colours than anything too bright and garish and it's right outside our lounge window so must be something that ties in with the garden and that we don't mind looking at all the time. Maybe you can help.

What would you suggest?


  1. We painted our play house to match our is sort of looks like a mini version. Very cute house. Cx

  2. I like the idea of matching the house! I would probably go with red personally though, the awesome racer is hinting at it! Love the finished cubby - so cool! :)

  3. I reckon you should just stain it if you like the natural look. I love the idea of matching it to your house, so its a mini version or perhaps a greyish-kharki that would look good against the fence and tones in nicely with other greens in nature. Love to see what you come up with!

  4. beautiful cubby house!
    we also painted it like the house.


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