
Monday, August 2, 2010

Shopping Trolleys

Today I made this card game for Sofia. It is a memory type game with a shopping theme. She has played a similar commercially made game at preschool and she really enjoys it.
Each player has a trolley and a shopping list.
The grocery item cards are placed face down.
Players take turns to choose a card...
If the grocery item is on their list they put it in their trolley.
Sofia is checking on her list..
As you can imagine we have had a few games already. It worked well but I might have to try to enlarge it and maybe laminate the pieces to make it more durable. When I've got it sorted I'd be more than happy to email out my master for you to make your own set.


  1. Good idea to make your own version Fran..Minka has played this game before too, but didn`t think of making it myself. Would love to be lazy and ask you to send me a copy!!
    love MAija and Minka

  2. A nice early hint: When you go shopping, only put what's on your list in the cart. :-)

    Wish I had had that game when I was little.

    What a sweet idea to make it yourself.

  3. What a great idea. You are very clever to have made that game yourself!

  4. awesome frannie x and sof looks gorgeous x

  5. actually cant wait to play it with her tomorrow!

  6. hi sofia looks like shes having fun playing her game FROM WILLOW

  7. Wow fabulous! I may have to make one of these myself.


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