
Friday, December 28, 2012

Special People: Aunties

Aunty Laupele, my husband's sister
Aunty Carmen, my sister
Aunty Jen, my sister
Aunty Allie, my sister

And still 4 more aunties to meet yet!

Special People: Grandparents

 Meeting Mama, my mother
 Gazing at Mama
 Meeting Pa, my father
Hanging out with Pa on Christmas Day

Special People: Great-grandparents

Haniteli has been meeting many special family members in the first 7 weeks of his life
Great Poppa and Great Nanny, my Mum's parents
 Great Poppa
 Great Nanny
Great Nan, my Dad's mother

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tamasi'i-A Little Boy

On 8 November 2012 our baby was born. We were blessed with a perfect little boy. He was born at 11:49pm after a short labour (most likely) brought on by an afternoon fall in the garden. He weighed 3370g/7lb 7oz.
We have given him his late grandfather's name and his Daddy's name
Here he is our little Haniteli Paulalolo...
He's just so gorgeous I can't choose my favourite photos...ok just a couple more...
And just to prove that sometimes he is awake!
Lucky us and lucky him. Our little Hani is so adored and so loved by all his family.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Garden Growth

I'm really pleased with the way this new piece of flower garden is coming along. We've had great weather for garden growth lately-some really warm days but quite a lot of rain too.
Now I need to get some vege plants into the garden before baby arrives.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday: Catchup and Baby Bump 26-32 weeks

Paddling in Tonga
Dress bought in Fiji
Outside Paula's family home in Tonga
Dress from Shanton
Back at home and back into Wintery clothes!
Top-hand me down, Jeans from Pumpkin Patch, Boots from Street Legal
Shirt from Glassons, top from Postie?, pants from Pumpkin Patch Outlet

Friday, September 28, 2012


While we were in Tonga my husband and I decided we would get a tattoo. It is something we had both thought of but the time hadn't been right. We saw an advertisement in a shop window for local tattoo artist George Cocker and after meeting him we knew that he would do a great job. He was very professional and obviously talented in traditional Tongan design.
Paula had his done first-a band around his arm with a combination of traditional tongan patterns (such as spearheads, bird footprints, weaving and sharks teeth) and the names of our two daughters.
A few days later we went back to have mine done. I chose to get it at the top of my back. I love the sweet fragrance of the frangipani flower (and it includes my name 'fran' in the 'frangipani'). I wanted three frangipani's to represent my three children. George came up with the rest of the design using traditional Tongan patterns.
 Initial sketch in pen
 In progress
 Outlines all done and time for a break
George's facebook page can be found here-Kalia Tattoo Tonga Ltd

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 The resort in Fiji had three lovely restaurants where we enjoyed many delicious meals and drinks.
We had some waiting time before our flight from Fiji to Tonga so we took a taxi to Nadi town and had a look around their market.
The fish market
 Fresh water mussels

Fiji-Another Village Visit and a Temple Tour

We went on another tour while in Fiji which took us to a nearby village and then on a tour of the Hindu Temple in Sigatoka.
 Kava Ceremony
 Hindu temple on the left
 View from the temple